Quaker Universalist Conversations

Welcome to our new QUF blog!

 Beginning January 2011, the Quaker Universalist Fellowship (QUF) is replacing its semiannual newsletter/journal, Universalist Friends, with this interactive blog.  Our print journal served us well for 27 years, helping universalist-minded Friends to share facts, reflections, and current events and publications.  We hope that our new blog will be even more lively and more responsive to the stepped-up pace of the 21st century.  As you can see, we have already published a number of entries by Friends and from other sources relating to Universalism and the interfaith/ecumenical movement. Please let us know what you think.

Our existing web site ( universalistfriends.org.) will continue to publish pamphlets as it has before, and books will be available there for purchase.  Its impressive archive of earlier publications will remain in place and will continue to grow.

The new blog will be updated often and will carry short articles, book and film reviews, and links to what’s happening in today’s interfaith and ecumenical movements as seen from a Quaker perspective.  As before, your observations and contributions will be welcomed. During the next year I will share responsibility for it with Anthony Manousos, who is replacing Jim Rose as QUF publisher and web master, and with Mark Kharas and Rachel Stacy, two of our newest Steering Committee members.  We also expect to have a presence on Facebook and Youtube. We hope that these initiatives will help us to build an international and interfaith network of like-minded people

                                                                                                Rhoda Gilman

For a youtube video exploring how Quakers feel about other faiths, see:



Bravo, team! I'm delighted to see this new blog, and hope it generates some good discussion from the universalist end of the Quaker spectrum! James Riemermann www.nontheistfriends.org"
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