Friends Journal recently gave us permission to republish Larry C. Spears’ 1982 interview with John Linton, a founder of the Quaker Universalist Group England and inspiration for the founding of Quaker Universalist Fellowship in the United States.
We invite readers to join us in a conversation about Linton’s interview. Please read the interview and then share your reactions using the Comments form.
You can find the passage quoted below here .
In the 1982 Friends Journal interview with Larry C. Spear, John Linton said,
The belief that Christianity is a unique revelation raises many difficulties. The most obvious is: Why has a benevolent deity split the world up into different and conflicting religious systems instead of making Christianity available to all?
In view of the geographical dilemma and philosophical arguments about the nature of belief, it makes more sense to conclude that Christianity has no more divine authority than other religions.
We should look for truth in all revelations. If the Society of Friends is concerned with the search for truth, it should not confine itself to one revelation.
Queries: How do you engage with Christianity—if at all—in your own faith and practice? What can you share from personal experience that bears on Linton’s assertion that “We should look for truth in all revelations”?
Share using the Comments form.