In early September, we published a Call for Authors on three monthly conversation subjects.
October — Judaism and Quakerism
Regular readers have seen a rich range of posts during October.
- Clem Gerdelmann shared three pieces pondering the similarities between two “peculiar peoples,” the Jews and the Quakers: Isn’t That Peculiar, By Whose Authority and Sh-Sh-Sh-Shattered.
- Liz Oppenheimer allowed us to republish a 2009 piece called When a 5-year-old asks if I’m Christian from her blog, The Good Raised Up.
- Free Polazzo offered A birthright Jew in the Religious Society of Friends, sharing his experience of “Joyous Interconnectedness with the Spirit” as a child in a Chassidic community and as an adult among Quakers.
- Stanley Zarowin, responding to Free’s invitation and post, gave us his own story of childhood survival and adult discovery in Fox’s Christ: Yeshua, that Jewish rabbi in Palestine.
- I, in turn, thanked Stanley with my own brief piece about Yeshua.
November — Buddhism and Quakerism
For November, we invite posts which look in a different yet complementary direction. Many folks have, in various ways, recognized and embraced the resonances between the Buddhist and Quaker approaches to contemplative faith and practice. We ask contributors to share the “insider’s view,” giving witness to what can arise from the Buddhist/Quaker convergences.
Here are several queries, ones which we hope readers will consider. You need not answer all or any of them, but perhaps they will suggest an opening for you.
- What do you value of Buddhist faith and practice?
- What role does Buddhism play in your life?
- What gifts do you believe Buddhist faith and practice might offer Quakers?
- How might you integrate the gifts of Buddhism with Quaker faith and practice?
- What print or online resources do you recommend for Quakers wanting to learn more about Buddhist faith and practice?
Please contact us at if you would like to write on this topic.
Here are some earlier Quaker Universalist Conversations posts on the topic:
- Welcome to a budding Buddhist Quaker… (3/21/2011), by Anthony Manousos
- Welcome to Quaker Buddhists!, by John Marsh (3/22/2011):
- Triangle of Faiths: Quakerism, Buddhism, and Judaism, by Rhoda Gilman (1/19/2011).
December — Observing the Winter Solstice
Sacred and secular festivals are a challenge for many modern Quakers.
Friends have a historical testimony against the celebration of special days, because “one day is no more holy than another, as all days are the gift of the most High” [see Friends (Quakers) and Christmas, by Bill Samuel 12/1/1998)].
However, the “return of the light” at Winter Solstice is celebrated by cultures around the world, and many Friends come from families and communities in which winter festivals carry valued personal significance.
For December, we invite contributors to tell us about their personal experiences of Quakerism and the Holidays, as well as about how they understand and acknowledge the cultural importance of this time of year.