Quaker Universalist Conversations

Welcoming the Stranger

By Rachel Stacy … Way opened so that my role as a steward at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) in Kingston, Jamaica, was to help out at the registration/info table. With two other stewards and two fantastic World Council of Churches…

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World Peace and Prayer Days

By Rhoda Gilman … In the last issue of Universalist Friends, published in August, 2010, a “Plea for Universal Interfaith Efforts” appeared. (It can still be read at universalistfriends.org.) The letter was signed by Arvol Looking Horse, a Lakota spiritual…

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Letters of Support: Living or Dead?

By Rachel Stacy … While I have several more articles about the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) coming out over the next few weeks, Anthony and I concurred it would be helpful to continue this thread of dialogue as…

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Traveling in the ministry

By Anthony Manousos … In a thoughtful response to Rachel Stacy’s post, Steven Davison asks if she has asked her meeting for a letter of support or traveling minute. I am very glad that Steven raised this point since I have found this ancient custom of Friends to be very…

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Being a Peculiar People

By Rachel Stacy … Over the last two weeks I have worked as a steward for the World Council of Churches (WCC), International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC). With over 300 member faith communities, the

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Were early Friends Universalists?

By Tony Lowe, Pastoral Minister, Fancy Gap Meeting … There seems to be a great deal of discussion taking place of late about whether or not early Quakers were universalists. Many modern Friends struggle with or even reject what they perceive to be the exclusive…

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Finding the Truth that transforms us

Responding to the question, “Is there a Truth that is universal and absolute?” Stephen Davison writes: … Doesn’t it come down to how we define “absolute”? My Webster’s 7th Collegiate includes “perfect, unrestricted…

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