Quaker Universalist Conversations


Uniting the world

Friends have a healthy wariness of calendars, and particularly of names or ceremonies assigned to particular days in a calendar. Human beings by nature ascribe meaning—sometimes sacred meaning—to patterns of events and objects. Such naming is of biological…

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Interruptions and invitations

Carrying silence into the world

Because my Meeting worships in the staff lounge of a large urban cemetery, we occasionally have intrusions from non-Quakers who break the silence with well-meant yet disruptive questions. Recently, three interruptions in a row had me first chuckling and then quaking with the…

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Ethical mysticism: a basis for Quaker univeralism?

Zablon Isaac Malenge, one of the leading theologians of Kenya and former General Secretary of Nairobi Yearly Meeting, had a remarkable take on missionaries and the universal basis of Quakerism: “I will tell you a mystery. Many people in this world are practicing Quakerism…

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More on language and hearing each other

In March, Mike Shell wrote of learning to listen and be understood amid diverse spiritual paths and language in “Listening in Tongues”. At www.quakerquaker.org, Paula Deming raises her quandry of talking about God in her Meeting, in her post “Why does my faith…

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