Quaker Universalist Fellowship offers a wealth of free material at its website. This is a partial listing of more recent offerings. For a full list please go to universalistfriends.org.
2009 | King, Sallie B. | A Quaker’s Response to Christian Fundamentalism |
Many Friends are unprepared to meet the challenges of Christian fundamentalism. When acquaintances, co-workers or neighbors accost us, insisting upon certain conservative or fundamentalist theological views, many Friends find themselves tongue-tied and do not know what to think or say…. | ||
2009 | Gillman, Harvey | What is Spirituality? |
Our attempts to establish a vision of peace, justice, equality, respect for the environment, are all aspects of this spiritual vision. Indeed our testimony in the world is the proof of the depths of the vision we have been granted. | ||
2008 | Riemermann, James | Mystery: It’s What We Don’t Know |
In this essay the author reflects on the nature of reality and the origins of the Western monotheistic tradition. He, then considers the conundrum posed by this and raises questions regarding the nature of boundaries of Quaker universalism and where non-theists place fits in relation to it. | ||
2008 | Rickerman, Sally | Trust: My Experience of Quakerism’s Greatest Gift |
The author, who from her lifetime immersion and experience of Quakerism , being given by nature to “march to a different drummer,” shares her discovery that it is not only a safe place to be but also an immensely enriching one. She reports on finding that “the resulting tensions between individualism, universalism, freedom and community are mediated by trust. | ||
2007 | Gilman, Rhoda R. | The Universality of Unknowing |
A snapshot of the life and writings of Luther Askeland, a philosopher, teacher and mystic. Luther Askeland, author of Ways in Mystery: Explorations in Mystical Awareness and Life, has published essays and articles. Rhoda Gilman reflects on the importance of Askeland’s thinking in her life. | ||
2007 | Seeger, Daniel A. | Commerce, Community, and the Regulations of Universal Love |
John Woolman’s essay A Plea for the Poor provides a starting point for Dan Seeger’s reflections in this pamphlet, was a vigorous argument for justice and equality in economic relations. Thus, according to the author, if the universalist principles of Quaker belief extend an inner light and a spirit of love to all humankind, then certainly in today’s global world the ethics of Quakerism must extend to global economy. Seeger both reminds and makes the reader aware, therefore, that Friends from George Fox’s generations and beyond have questioned the moral crime of making human beings (as distinct from human labor) into a marketable commodity. | ||
2006 | Gilk, Paul | Radiant In Joy |
A long-time ecological thinker and critic of American consumerist society, h has also written two books and a collection of poetry. The essay presented here has been condensed from a longer piece, and I hope that in “pruning” it I have preserved for QUF readers a lot of its unique style—often blunt, sometimes whimsical, and always deeply thoughtful. Paul is the kind of appreciative author an editor loves to work with, and I follow his express instructions here in “taking a deep bow.” R.R.G. | ||
2006 | Williams, Patricia A. | Hazardous Engagement: God Makes a Friend |
This spiritual autobiography, written during 2001 and 2002, is framed as a series of monthly letters to the spiritual presence. The author later discovered that this spiritual presence who had been her teacher during those seven years had taught lessons that were in close accordance with the theology of the first Quakers! |