Quaker Universalist Voice

Speaking truth in the global public square…

Topic: Review

Thoughts on North Korea

Reflections on Suki Kim’s Without You, There is No Us

In the book, Without You, There is No Us: Undercover Among the Sons of North Korea’s Elite, by Suki Kim (2015), it becomes apparent early on that the average North Korean loves their nation just as much as any patriotic resident of any other nation does. It also becomes obvious that young men in North Korea have many of the same interests, hopes, goals, and dreams as those elsewhere.

NOTE: Friends Committee on National Legislation asks all of us to write our Congress people urging to pass H.R. 4837, the NO UNCONSTITUTIONAL STRIKE AGAINST NORTH KOREA ACT.

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Strangers in Their Own Land

by Arlie Russell Hochschild – Friends Journal Review

Since the 1970s, sociologist Arnie Russell Hochschild has been a prolific and influential investigator of the impact of modern American economy and culture on people and their families. Her early works include The Unexpected Community: Portrait of an Old Age…

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The Genius of Judaism

by Bernard-Henri Lévy – A review

The Genius of Judaism , by Bernard-Henri Lévy, translated by Steven B. Kennedy (Random House, 2017) From the publishers blurb: “Bernard-Henri Lévy has been a singular figure on the world stage—one of the great moral voices of our time. Now Europe’s foremost…

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The Salvation of Aliens

Reflections on Saving the Original Sinner by Karl Giberson

Two Christian theologians discuss, given God’s plan of salvation from the Christian tradition, whether aliens on another planet will need their own separate savior or whether Christ will be the savior for the whole universe. One theologian argues that aliens would need a savior…

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