Quaker Universalist Voice

Speaking truth in the global public square…

Topic: Interfaith


Friend Stanley, I am very grateful to you for this post, for my own 63-year path has been a long one of rediscovering and re-embracing the Yeshua of my 1950s Lutheran preacher’s kid childhood. In my late 30s, having quested through Pagan and Buddhist realms of…

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By Whose Authority

On October 1st, Friend Clem Gerdelmann of Chester (PA ) Monthly Meeting introduced our topic of Judaism and Quakerism with “Isn’t That Peculiar.” Here is his second contribution. Quakerism, like Judaism, has always had and honored its human Publishers of Truth.

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Queries for October

Friends, In preparation for our October topic of Judaism and Quakerism, here are several queries, ones which we hope both Jewish and non-Jewish readers can consider. You need not answer all or any of them, but perhaps they will suggest an opening for you. Contact us…

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