Quaker Universalist Voice

Speaking truth in the global public square…

Topic: Buddhism


Friend Clem Gerdelmann gives us one more brief reflection on Buddhism and Quakerism. Visit his QuakerQuaker page for more of his contributions. Both Buddhism and Quakerism support the realization that “Happiness is an inside job.” … Perspective and attitude, like…

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Pain and Suffering

Both Buddhism and Quakerism embrace paradox. The ways that each of these spiritual paths takes to get to higher and nobler living involves going deeper into the human experience. Thus, the first of “The Four Noble Truths” of Buddhism is, oddly enough, “Pain…

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Quaker Universalist Fellowship Interview with Rhoda Raasch Gilman

Rhoda Raasch Gilman … To download an audio file of this interview of this interview click here. QUF : This is Cherie Roberts of the Quaker Universalist Fellowship, or QUF, as it is known. Today is August 26, 2013. I am here today with…

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