Quaker Universalist Voice

Speaking truth in the global public square…


Quakers and the Interfaith Movement: New Book and Workshop at FGC

  … By Anthony Manousos … Quakers and the Interfaith Movement is the title both of my soon-to-be-published  book and also of a workshop I plan to  facilitate this summer  at the Friends General Conference Gathering at Grinnell College in Iowa…

Muslim Scholars Reach Out to Christians: “A Common Word”

  … By Anthony Manousos … During this time of escalating Islamophobia, fueled by self-serving politicians, my heart leaped for joy to see the publication of A Common Word: Muslims and Christians on Loving God and Neighbor  (Eerdman: Grand Rapids, MI, 2010). This book…

“Way of Being”: New Pamphlet by British Friend David Cadman

The QUF has received copies of a pamphlet written by David Cadman, a British Quaker who is associated with the Quaker Universalist Group in England.  In his work the author addresses the desperate economic, environmental, and political situations the…

The Golden Rule: The Movie

The Catholic theologian Han Kung summed up the goal of the interfaith movement in these memorable words: “There can be no peace without peace among the religions. There can be no peace among the religions without dialogue. And there can be no dialogue without a common ethic.”…

“Out of Cordoba”: Convivencia Vs. “The Clash of Civilizations”

  … I went to the Los Angeles screening of a new documentary“Out of Cordoba” at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills. The place was packed with people—Muslims, Christians, Jews and others who are part of LA’s dynamic interfaith community.  I expected a film about the…