Quaker Universalist Voice

Speaking truth in the global public square…

Quaker Universalist Friendlies

Friendly Bible Study, Friendly Faith and Practice Study, Friendly Universal Scripture Study, and Friendly Spiritual Life Inventory

The Friendlies are practical procedures for productive Bible study, Faith and Practice Study, and universal scripture study in a manner consistent with Friends’ testimonies. Their purpose, and that of the spiritual life inventory, is to provide practical assistance to Quakers in their spiritual journeys. See below for an introduction to this resource.

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Quaker Universalist Friendlies are Resources for Quakers in Meetings

QUF offers the Friendlies for your meeting. The Friendlies are practical procedures for productive Bible study, Faith and Practice Study, and universal scripture study in a manner consistent with Friends’ testimonies. Their purpose, and that of the spiritual life inventory, is to provide practical assistance to Quakers in their spiritual journeys.

The Friendlies, like all QUF resources, are free/no charge for your reflection and use.

Currently these first practical Friendlies are four:

  • Friendly Bible Study
  • Friendly Faith and Practice Study
  • Friendly Universal Scripture Study
  • Friendly Spiritual Life Inventory

Also, we offer background and counsel if you have questions for use of any of the Friendlies. Just contact us.

Use these methods as you will and think best for your meeting. We suggest giving them a try as is, but you are welcome to modify them to better conform to the Quaker testimonies in your meeting.

We appreciate any alternative study processes or modification suggestions of these Friendlies. We would be pleased to post successful alternative study processes as part of these Friendly services for the benefit of other meetings. Based on your experience with the Friendlies, modify the Friendlies to be of better service to your meeting.

The three study processes come with appended bookmark lists of the study questions for distribution.