A Legacy for Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Your Legacy
As a Quaker Universalist Fellowship supporter, you make a personal and lasting commitment to a universalist perspective in the Quaker tradition. We hope you will consider making a special gift to Quaker Universalist Fellowship through your estate plans.
Most people think that estate planning is important to do, but we all know it is easy to postpone. Working on your estate plan today can give you the peace of mind of knowing that your commitment to Quaker values and universalism will be fulfilled and that your deepest concerns will be reflected. By including a provision for Quaker Universalist Fellowship in your estate plan, you’ll be assured that the broader Quaker community will benefit from your generosity well into the future.
Quaker Universalist Fellowship Invites You to Join The Legacy Society
Quaker Universalist Fellowship Voice is your voice. Your legacy can continue the work of QUF.
The Legacy Society recognizes supporters who confirm Quaker universalist values by naming QUF in their will or other estate plans.
If you wish, you can be recognized as a member of the QUF Legacy Society and can be listed as a donor.
Remembering Quaker Universalist Fellowship in your estate plan is a commitment to the future of your voice. Quaker Universalist Fellowship Legacy Society members are among our most dedicated donors and have the deepest gratitude of generations to come.
Larry Spears, Clerk
Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Five Steps for Getting Started
Preparing your estate plans can be simple and direct.
Naming QUF as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, IRA, life insurance policy, or bank account; or making a give through your will or trust is a helpful and generous way to make a legacy gift. These gifts help ensure the future for the universalist voice within Quaker tradition to the world.
While this may be familiar information, here are the basic steps to help you begin:
- First, complete the form included in this package to sign up for the Legacy Society and return it in the self-addressed envelope.
- Second, gather information about your assets, including retirement funds, bank accounts, and real property.
- Third, think about the people and organizations that matter most to you and how you would like to provide for them.
- Fourth, think about a person you would like to serve as your executor or trustee. Sample wording for designating your choice is enclosed.
- Fifth, meet with an attorney of your choice.
Keep the Quaker Universalist Message Flourishing
In 1984, when visionary Quakers founded the Quaker Universalist Fellowship, they set up a foundation to ensure that a universalist voice in Quakerism would be available to the world.
A legacy for QUF will provide a support network for Quakers and a universalist voice for national and international service.
Please continue this legacy for our children and grandchildren.
Quaker Universalist Fellowship
Provides access to information and spiritual and practice resources on Quaker Universalism; and Advocates for universalist values and spirit in linking faith and practice.
This brochure is for general purposes only and is not intended as legal or financial advice. Individual financial situations vary. Quaker Universalist Fellowship recommends that each person considering a planned gift consult with a financial advisor and legal advisor.
Quaker Universalist Fellowship is registered as a charitable organization.