The Quaker Universalist Fellowship is a gathering of Friends who are open to a wide and inclusive understanding of beliefs and spiritual practices. Rooted in the Quaker tradition, we welcome those who seek the underlying truth beneath all faith. … Current services offered by QUF focus on the…
Bookstore Backgrounds on Friendly Bible Translations
These commentaries accompany the Friendly Bible Translations to assist readers and the participants in discussion groups and First Day School. The translations are sensitive to accuracy in the use of gendered pronouns and are structured to comply with modern standards of simple sentence structure and syntax. The commentaries emphasize the significant, distinguishing elements of accurate translation and should be particularly helpful to children. Each commentary is downloadable separately as meets your interest and need. The Friendly Bible Translations were prepared by Quaker Joanne Spears from Hebrew and Greek, as parts of a larger translation plan for the Bible as a whole. Completion of this larger translation plan was interrupted by health problems, dementia, and death.
Higlights "Full Voice" - A Review of Margaret Fell: Women’s Speaking Justified and Other Pamphlets
Margaret Fell: Women’s Speaking Justified and Other Pamphlets , edited by Jane Donawerth and Rebecca M. Lush (2019) In Margaret Fell: Women’s…
Higlights "Full Voice" - A Review of Margaret Fell: Women’s Speaking Justified and Other Pamphlets
Margaret Fell: Women’s Speaking Justified and Other Pamphlets , edited by Jane Donawerth and Rebecca M. Lush (2019) In Margaret Fell: Women’s…
Welcome to Quaker Universalist Fellowship!
The Quaker Universalist Fellowship is a gathering of Friends who are open to a wide and inclusive understanding of beliefs and spiritual practices. Rooted in the Quaker tradition, we welcome those who seek the underlying truth beneath all faith.…
Welcome to the Quaker Universalist Fellowship Annual Meeting on March 23, 2022
Quaker Universalist Fellowship is focusing our annual meeting on planning for the future. You are invited to participate. The annual meeting will be held on the Zoom platform on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. Your suggestions are welcome. The…
Worship as an Act of Love: The experiment of online worship
Online meeting for worship can be a blessed door into our practice of unity, just like ordinary meeting for worship is. So, if anyone is so moved, please join. Let’s us join in love. Let’s come together with the glorious intention of making our worship an occasion for bliss…. Worship regenerates. Worship enlivens. If it becomes tiresome or frustrating, we might need to look into our inward disposition – how much love do I bring into our meeting?
An Exposition of Laozi’s “Essence of Dao”
From a monotheistic culture without direct revelation, Laozi was trying to make sense of what was going on in his time in China, when the country was divided and fighting one another. Is it the will of heaven, or it is just the corruption of humankind?
His ideas are very interesting when compared with those of a monotheistic culture which does describe direct revelations: law given by the God without a name; spiritual communities developed by the law of the Spirit; and a new commandment to love one another according to the love of Christ.
Spiritual life is physical
Classical Greeks imagined a separation between mind and body, between spirit and matter.
The Jewish missionary Paul borrowed this notion—by his time dominant in the Greco-Roman world—as he tried to translate the more holistic Jewish spirituality for non-Jewish worshipers in the first century synagogues and congregations where he taught….
Sadly, the absolute spirit-versus-matter dichotomy of the Greeks has… persisted throughout the centuries of Christian dominance and into the empirically-minded science of the modern Western world.